In 2017 the fundraising video that we created for Father Joe’s Villages helped them raise a record amount of money.
The Client: Father Joe’s Villages
For more than six decades, Father Joe’s Villages has been guided by a simple but powerful mission: to provide hope for those who are hopeless and to show the way home to those who have none. Father Joe’s prepares up to 3,000 meals and provide a continuum of care to nearly 1,800 individuals every day—from infants and adolescents to adults and seniors. This includes over 780 children and over 200 military veterans. Their primary goal is to transform lives and end the cycle of homelessness. To provide these services they rely one of the things they rely on
Infrastructure Productions
Infrastructure Productions is a full-service Creative Agency based in San Diego, California. We specialize in multimedia & video production. As a full-service creative agency, we work with clients collaboratively at all stages of the creative process. Whether it be ideation, production, or post-production (including motion graphics) our award-winning team offers our clients the perfect marriage of creativity and clarity.
The Project
Noah Jackson of Father Joe’s Villages contacted us three weeks prior to their annual gala and asked us to produce a fundraising video for the event. Noah wanted the video to highlight the work done at the Therapeutic Childcare Center (TCC) located inside of Father Joe’s Village. The Therapeutic Childcare Center helps homeless children keep pace with other kids their age while they are homeless. Homeless children are often a silent victim of homelessness. Homeless children develop at a slower rate than their counterparts and suffer from higher incidences of mental illness as well.
We quickly developed a video that would feature a narrator that “talked” us through what we were seeing on screen. This eliminated the need to find and schedule interviews with people at the center. Going with a narrator saved us time and allowed us to better define what we were going to film.From there Ray and I came up with the filming plan that we would then put into action.
We decided that we were going to spend an entire day at the center filming from the moment that parents dropped their kids off for the day until they were picked up. This allowed us to capture all of the different people and programs that are needed to keep the program running. At the end of the day we had a great representation of what happens at the TCC on a daily basis.
Post Production:
From there, I was in charge of writing the voice over script. Using information provided by Father Joe’s, I was able to put something together that they signed off on shortly thereafter. Into the edit we went and a couple of rounds of editing later we had our video.
When Noah asked us to film a group of the kids going to pizza and games the same day as the gala and then to edit that footage as a separate segment for the video, we were surprised. We had done similar same day edits when filming weddings, but this is the first time that we were asked to do one for a fundraising video. A ride in a Witt-Lincoln Towncar and a trip to La Bella’s Cafe and Games later and we had our footage. Ray sat down to edit that footage into a short vignette and voila our fundraising video was complete and ready to be viewed.
The Results
In the end our fundraising video helped make Father Joe’s annual gala the most successful ever. In the end, Father Joe’s raised a record $500,000 that night. This was the most they had ever raised and was a 20% increase over the previous year.
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 1
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 2
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 3
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 4
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 5
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 6
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 7
- Father Joe’s Gala Video 8